Create the Health You Want

I’m a health and nutrition coach for busy professional women on the brink of burnout. I help these women identify what healthful and heartfelt nutrition looks like and establish lifelong practices to meet their goals and get them making smart choices that fuel their confidence.


Put yourself in the driving seat with your health

Reclaim your energy and confidence - clients tell me they not only feel better, they also feel happier

Schedule a FREE 30 minute Thrive Health Consult to explore your health hurdles and goals

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Don't just take my word for it


We all know how we want to look and feel. In our daily lives we’re so busy absorbing information, being productive at work, discharging responsibilities (even the happy ones), trying to keep up a healthy social life and friendship connections that putting health as a priority (and by that I mean being clear about how you want to show up each day, the health you want and taking the right steps to make that a reality) normally doesn’t make the “to do” list. That’s where I come in. To identify goals, strategise habits and behaviours that will lead to those goals and create daily, bespoke actions that you find easy and can start putting in play today.

Are you worn down, weary or lethargic?

Do you struggle to meal plan or make food choices that you’re proud of, consistently?

Are you struggling to make changes that would improve a health issue?

You don’t have or make “me” time?

Do you feel unhappy with your health, your fitness or your body?


If you answer YES to any of these questions, working with the right health and nutrition coach will be transformational.

  1. Crystal clear on your health goals.
  2. Easy to follow action steps that will lead you there.
  3. Guidance through habit and behaviour change to make sure these daily actions “stick”.
  4. Increase your energy and confidence.
  5. Support identifying and working through ambivalence and resistance so your new habits continue even in times of change and unrest.
  6. A space to connect with yourself and focus on what makes you thrive.


Before working with Sheona, I was bone-dead tired, constantly frustrated and felt like I had lost myself.

Sheona’s coaching transformed my energy in weeks.

I now spring out of bed and get moving, fuel my body with healthy options, and have newfound energy and focus that see me showing up at work and with my family on a whole new level.

What I love most is how capable I now feel to sustain this lifestyle, thanks to Sheona’s expert coaching.

Janine Manning

Strategist & Coach for Driven Professionals


Sheona's coaching helped me slow down and focus on eating balanced meals during the day.

In 2 weeks I felt way more energy, healthier inside and out and at peace.

Sheona understood my lifestyle and guided me to sustainable solutions, tailored to me and my family.

I couldn't be happier with her coaching.

Nathalie James


Book an appointment


Hi, I'm Sheona. I've been a private practice lawyer for 12+ years and a health and fitness enthusiast forever. In 2020 I decided to combine my passion for health and fitness and my personal training qualification, with my knowledge of the legal profession and the pressure that lawyers are under. I certified as a health + nutrition coach with one of the most respected global outfits in order to solve a problem I saw all around me - driven, ambitious, active, perfectionist women (and men) who were giving their all at work, at home and everywhere in between but weren't making time to prioritize their own health and wellness. I now help people to make smart choices every day, that fuel their body and confidence - choices that become effortless and that they're proud of. I've developed a couple of amazing programs that ensure not only I get the results I'm looking for, but that clients who work with me also achieve theirs. If you'd like to discuss your health hurdles and goals, book a free consult with me using the button below.

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